Friday, April 6, 2012

Lt. Governor Will Address Healthcare Reform

Healthcare reform has been in the news lately, as the US Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the law that made many changes to healthcare in the nation.

Since employers will be drastically affected if the law is upheld, we invited Lt. Governor Mary Taylor to talk to chamber members about her concerns with the mandates in the healthcare reform law.  Taylor is also the director of the Ohio Department of Insurance and she has made healthcare reform a major policy focus.

The meeting with Lt. Governor Taylor will be held on Monday, May 7, at 11 am at the Muskingum County Welcome Center.  She plans to speak for about 15 minutes and open it up to discussion and questions.  There is no charge to attend for chamber members, but we do require reservations to 455-8282 or

All employers are encouraged to make themselves familiar with the contents of the law.  In the event the Supreme Court upholds it (we should know in June), there will be many mandates and deadlines businesses must meet.  Here's a couple of good summaries:

CORRECTION:  This post originally said May 11.  The meeting is on May 7.

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