Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Destination: Excellence" is BWC Cost Reduction Program

More often than not, CEOs and business owners place workers’ compensation near the top of the list of cost drivers for their company.

Destination: Excellence is a program package designed by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) to help protect your workers and your organization’s bottom line by focusing on safety, accident prevention and return-to-work opportunities to bring injured workers back to work sooner. 

Destination: Excellence allows you to select from seven new and existing program options to customize a plan that addresses your specific needs. This “cafeteria style” plan aligns with BWC's top priority of preventing injuries and getting injured workers healthy and back to work sooner. A quick return to work saves money for employers, but more importantly it increases the chances of a positive outcome for injured workers. 

Click the following links to learn more about Destination: Excellence’s options and potential incentives.

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