Friday, May 22, 2009

Blue Ocean Strategy

Are you familiar with the book "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne? They also have a website by the same name: .

I have not read the book yet but I am going to. I have read summaries of it and talked to others who are pretty knowledgeable about the whole concept, and it sounds like it has real potential to help a lot of business people, especially right now.

The basic premise is that businesses should NOT seek to compete head to head in a crowded marketplace but that they should find the "blue ocean", that great big wide open place where there is little or no competition for what they are trying to do.

How exactly do you do that? I am not sure yet, but I plan to find out. And it sounds like innovation and creativity are required, and that has to be part of what many businesses need right now.

If you want to read some summaries of Blue Ocean Strategy here they are (and these are also provided in our Business Survival Toolkit discussed below).

Blue Ocean Strategy Book Summary:

Video summary:

Nine Key Points of Blue Ocean Strategy:

Blue Ocean Power Point:

A Conversation with W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, authors of BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY:

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