Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Earn a Rebate On Workers Comp

NOW is the time to enroll in the local Safety Council program and earn a rebate from the state on your workers compensation premiums. The deadline to enroll is July 31, so read on about the program, and get your application form in this month. 

Safety Council is a program of the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Division of Safety & Hygiene. Its purpose is to promote workplace safety through education, information and training, and to enable employers to earn a rebate on their workers comp premium in the process. In other words, the Ohio BWC believes that prevention of workplace safety and health issues is a priority and that employers who make an effort to maintain safe workplaces should be rewarded. The result for employers is a program that is an effective way to reduce workers comp premiums.

The rebate is earned by fulfilling specific annual requirements, which are specified here. The program offers employers two separate 2% discounts, or a total possible savings of 4%. The first is a 2% premium rebate for completing the program eligibility requirements, and the second is 2% performance bonus for employers who reduce their frequency or severity of claims by 10 percent or more below the previous year's frequency or severity, or employers who maintain both frequency and severity at zero. Rebate payments are sent by the Ohio BWC to employers who earn the rebate in the last quarter of each calendar year.

An enrollment form and more information are available at this section of the Chamber website.

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